Impacts of creativity on technology
Creativity is defined as the ability to produce something new or original. An artist is someone who produces art or other creative work. In contrast, a designer creates things that solve problems or improve the functionality of existing objects or systems. Unlike these professions, engineers often create solutions to technical problems. Their creations range from the most advanced electronics to everyday items like cars. Creativity has a long history. Artists, musicians, writers, scientists, architects, and philosophers have all contributed to bringing their ideas into being. But now, with advances in technology, engineers and designers are creating amazing new ways to bring out our inner artists and artist. This course explores the influences of creativity on technology.
design thinking & engineering
creativity research by psychologists, usability studies, ergonomics research, cognitive science research to understand how human perception works, human factors, human-computer interaction, heuristics and biases and cognitive psychology to understand what makes people think, why they make certain decisions and mistakes, and how we can use this knowledge for good and bad purposes.
Designing technology interfaces
user experience, interface design, digital media, graphic design, visual communication principles; how technology relates to each of us, how we choose to interact with it (e.g. touch, gaze, gesture), where we spend time online, what types of content we consume, how much time we put into learning about technologies, online gambling fr crazy vegas, etc.

New technology
virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, drones, self-driving cars, robotics, drones, 3D printing, sensors, cloud computing, wearable devices, big data, the internet of things, social networking platforms, the web
Technology in society
privacy, ethics, free speech, democracy, capitalism, socialism, communism, religion, globalization, international relations, geopolitics, public policy, politics, war and peace, governance, sustainability, environment
Technology as a tool for education
pedagogy, e-learning, MOOCs, blended learning, personalized learning, flipped classroom, flipped learning, gamification, game theory, micro-level teaching strategies, macro-level teaching strategies
Learning technologies
adaptive learning, adaptive testing, adaptive assessment, adaptive feedback, adaptive curriculum, adaptive learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems, AI/machine learning algorithms, deep learning, predictive analytics, pattern recognition, collaborative filtering, recommendation engines, recommender systems, collaborative filtering algorithms, algorithms for extracting features, data mining
The development of technology
the industrial revolution, mass production, lean manufacturing, agile methodologies, sustainable business practices, environmental stewardship, corporate sustainability, green products, renewable energy, alternative fuels, clean tech, smart grids, distributed generation
Globalization of technology and jobs
outsourcing, offshoring and home offices, global workforce optimization, labour migration, brain drain, talent shortages, supply chain management, immigration, international labour mobility, international trade finance, cross-functional teams, multidisciplinary teams, software engineers, database developers, system analysts, project managers, project leaders, consultants, contractors, freelancing, crowdsourcing, crowdsourcing platforms, crowdsourced companies, job boards
Ethics and responsibility
ethical issues in designing technology, responsible design, consumer protection, intellectual property rights, intellectual property infringement, antitrust law, product liability, patent law, copyright law, trademarks, cyberlaw, cybercrime, privacy, surveillance, privacy policies, security threats, hacking, malware, mobile applications, online advertising, digital marketing, mobile commerce, crowdfunding, social networks, social media, smartphones, social media platforms, social network platforms, social networking apps, social networking sites, social media sites, streaming services, video games, videogames, virtual worlds, virtual reality, virtual-reality headsets, virtual reality content providers, virtual reality platforms, virtual reality headset manufacturers, VR/AR hardware, VR/AR software, virtual simulation technologies, virtual social communities, viral videos, wikis, word processors, websites, wireless communication technologies
In conclusion, you will learn about the impact of creativity on the development of IT-related areas such as information retrieval, information visualization, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, computational geometry, image processing, mobile applications, natural language processing, bioinformatics, medical informatics, molecular biology, neuroscience, genomics, nanotechnology, aerospace engineering.